Please provide your course code, if you are unsure please ask your tutor or assessor.
Maximum 255 characters
How did you find out about the course?
How welcoming, supportive and respectful did you find staff when enrolling?
What was the standard of Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) that you received before you enrolled?
How would you rate the overall enrolment process?
How effectively did the tutor/assessor explain the aims and objectives of the course?
How would you rate the information you received as part of your welcome pack and induction to help you know what support is available to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy?
How would you rate the overall standard of the induction, including course information and overview of the service?
How effectively did your tutor support you to identify your learning targets?
Following your induction, how would you rate your knowledge of Safeguarding, Prevent, British Values and Equality & Diversity?
How good is the venue and it's facilities overall?
Please take the time to make any further comments about your experience of the enrolment and/or induction process: