Please provide your course code, if you are unsure please ask your tutor/assessor.
Maximum 255 characters
How do you rate the teaching you received during your course?
How do you rate the respect shown to you by your tutor/assessor?
How do you rate the respect shown to you by all staff?
How do you rate the learning materials and resources that you received throughout your course?
How do you rate the Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) you received on your course?
Were your overall learning targets met and achieved?
How well do you feel the course has helped you to progress towards your chosen careers path?
Do you feel the course has supported your personal development and confidence?
Do you feel that the service has helped you to know and understand how to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy?
How safe did you feel on the course?
Would you recommend the service to others?
Please take the time to make any further comments about your experience with Hartlepool Jobs & Skills Service.