Pharmacy Users Survey
We are inviting you to tell us about pharmaceutical services in your area. This is to help understand what local people might need from pharmacies and their services using a process called a ‘Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment’ or PNA. The PNA will look at what is already available and identify any gaps or improvements that might be made to meet your needs, and those of your family or neighbours. For example, whether a pharmacy is needed in a particular area, or more pharmacies need to offer a particular service, now or in the future.
There are 19 NHS community pharmacies (sometimes called chemists) in your council area. Pharmacies can be found in shopping centres, local high streets, inside supermarkets or based within local health centres, but they are all NHS pharmacies offering 'pharmacy services'.
The local Health and Wellbeing Board in Hartlepool is preparing a new report on pharmacies and their services called a 'Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.' This looks at what local people might need from these services, what is already available and suggests improvements that might be made now or in the near future.
We need your views
It is very important for us to understand patient experience and public views of pharmacy services. Completing this survey will help us to do that. In the new year there will also be a full consultation on the draft PNA report when patients and the public will be able to contribute again.
Please complete this survey if you can . It will only take about 10 minutes to help us to understand how you might use pharmacy services, where services are good and if there are any areas that could be improved. No need to give us your name; all your answers will be confidential and combined with others so the information will not be linked to you.
If you have any questions or need to complete the survey on paper, please contact Joan Stevens by email to with 'PNA Survey' in the subject