Pharmacy Services across Hartlepool - Tell us your views

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The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) considers the need for pharmaceutical services in Hartlepool, describes current services available in the borough and makes an assessment about current and near future provision.

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) must prepare a new PNA every 3 years so have now started collecting all the information needed for a new assessment which will be published in September 2025. NHS England then uses the PNA to make decisions about pharmacy services across the town in future.

An important part of the information we need will come from you, the people of Hartlepool, who might be using pharmacy services now and in the future. The survey and story tool below will collect your views on some important issues around pharmacy services across Hartlepool. This will help us to prepare the next PNA for the town.

How to tell us your views

Click HERE to take the survey. It should take only about 10 minutes to complete. Your views are very important to us.

Paper copies of the surveys are also available from Joan Stevens ( or call 01429 284142) and at our Community Hubs across the town.

As well as the survey below, we also have a 'stories tool' where we would really love to hear about your experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool over the last 3 years - good and bad! This will help us understand real people's experiences of this very important NHS service. Click HERE to tell us your story.

The closing date for the survey and your stories is 30th December 2024

Don't forget...

There are have been a few changes to pharmacies and the services you can get from them in recent years, As well as supplying their prescription medicines many people now use them to get their flu vaccination, to have their blood pressure checked or to seek advice about a minor condition without needing to go to their GP practice. Click the blue link to find out more about Pharmacy First and other services that are available at our pharmacies. For opening times of pharmacies near you click on Find a Pharmacy.

Unfortunately, we know there are national shortages of some medicines. However we cannot influence this through this PNA report so please try and tell us about your other experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool too. Comments and compliments are also important, so we can help shape this important service in the future.

Hartlepool Pharmacy Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2024-25

Hartlepool community pharmacy opening hours for the bank holidays over the Christmas and New Year period are available HERE. These are the opening times for the bank holidays ONLY.

On other days you can use the usual pages on the NHS website to Find a Pharmacy near you, check their opening times and for other information..

Complaints about a pharmacy

This survey is not the right place to report a specific complaint you might have about a pharmacy. We will not be able to respond to any specific complaints as the survey is anonymous.

All community pharmacies have a complaints process and you can find out more by contacting them directly or looking on their website. In the first instance, it is usually best to try to find a resolution to your problem directly with the pharmacy by speaking to a member of the team.

Your local Healthwatch also has information about how to make a complaint, including access to free Independent Complaints Advocacy Service via People First. You can find more information about Healthwatch at by clicking HERE or calling 0800 254 5552

Comments and Compliments

Comments and compliments are as important as complaints. Please tell your pharmacy or pharmacy professional what they are doing well or if something they did was particularly helpful, let them know so they can try to do more of this for you and for others.

If you require any further information please contact Joan Stevens at

Thank you for your time we really do appreciate it.

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) considers the need for pharmaceutical services in Hartlepool, describes current services available in the borough and makes an assessment about current and near future provision.

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) must prepare a new PNA every 3 years so have now started collecting all the information needed for a new assessment which will be published in September 2025. NHS England then uses the PNA to make decisions about pharmacy services across the town in future.

An important part of the information we need will come from you, the people of Hartlepool, who might be using pharmacy services now and in the future. The survey and story tool below will collect your views on some important issues around pharmacy services across Hartlepool. This will help us to prepare the next PNA for the town.

How to tell us your views

Click HERE to take the survey. It should take only about 10 minutes to complete. Your views are very important to us.

Paper copies of the surveys are also available from Joan Stevens ( or call 01429 284142) and at our Community Hubs across the town.

As well as the survey below, we also have a 'stories tool' where we would really love to hear about your experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool over the last 3 years - good and bad! This will help us understand real people's experiences of this very important NHS service. Click HERE to tell us your story.

The closing date for the survey and your stories is 30th December 2024

Don't forget...

There are have been a few changes to pharmacies and the services you can get from them in recent years, As well as supplying their prescription medicines many people now use them to get their flu vaccination, to have their blood pressure checked or to seek advice about a minor condition without needing to go to their GP practice. Click the blue link to find out more about Pharmacy First and other services that are available at our pharmacies. For opening times of pharmacies near you click on Find a Pharmacy.

Unfortunately, we know there are national shortages of some medicines. However we cannot influence this through this PNA report so please try and tell us about your other experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool too. Comments and compliments are also important, so we can help shape this important service in the future.

Hartlepool Pharmacy Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2024-25

Hartlepool community pharmacy opening hours for the bank holidays over the Christmas and New Year period are available HERE. These are the opening times for the bank holidays ONLY.

On other days you can use the usual pages on the NHS website to Find a Pharmacy near you, check their opening times and for other information..

Complaints about a pharmacy

This survey is not the right place to report a specific complaint you might have about a pharmacy. We will not be able to respond to any specific complaints as the survey is anonymous.

All community pharmacies have a complaints process and you can find out more by contacting them directly or looking on their website. In the first instance, it is usually best to try to find a resolution to your problem directly with the pharmacy by speaking to a member of the team.

Your local Healthwatch also has information about how to make a complaint, including access to free Independent Complaints Advocacy Service via People First. You can find more information about Healthwatch at by clicking HERE or calling 0800 254 5552

Comments and Compliments

Comments and compliments are as important as complaints. Please tell your pharmacy or pharmacy professional what they are doing well or if something they did was particularly helpful, let them know so they can try to do more of this for you and for others.

If you require any further information please contact Joan Stevens at

Thank you for your time we really do appreciate it.

Please tell us your experiences of pharmacies in Hartlepool...

We want to know...

"What have been your experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool?"

"What do you need from NHS pharmacy services in the future?”

We are preparing a new report about what people need from community pharmacies in Hartlepool now and what they may need in the next few years.  

Please tell us your views and experiences of pharmacy services in Hartlepool - whether they be good or bad! Tell us your comments and compliments or what you need to be better in the future. We will then use this information to help shape the PNA report that will be used to deliver this important service in the future.

If you have any questions please contact Joan Stevens by email or call 01429 284142.

 The closing date for telling us your stories and experiences is 30th December 2024

Thank you for sharing your story with us.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    by Tucker, 3 months ago

    I use Tesco pharmacy and they usually text me when prescriptions are ready, but that isn’t always the case. A few times I have just gone to the pharmacy when my meds are low and they are generally ready. However, once or twice I have still had to wait for a complete order and that is a week after depositing prescription with doctors. The last prescription I picked up, which was on a Thursday, having received a text on the Monday telling me the prescription was ready, when I got home I discovered that it only contained one item instead... Continue reading

Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 03:40 PM