Pharmacy Services Across Hartlepool - Tell us your views (Internal Stakeholders)

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The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) considers the need for pharmaceutical services in the area, describes current services available in the borough and makes an assessment about current and near future provision.

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is now preparing a new statutory Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which will be published in September 2024.

We are inviting views from within, or on behalf of, organisations, service providers or groups and from those who may represent any community, about the impact of current pharmaceutical services on their work with people, or on the people themselves. We also want views on the potential need for pharmaceutical services in the near future.

Contribute views on behalf of your organisation, service or community

Please click HERE or click on the TAKE SURVEY button below

Survey for individual residents, workers or visitors to the town

If you, or people who work with or for you, also live or work in Hartlepool you can contribute personal views and experiences of community pharmacy services across the town using the link in the box below. We encourage you to share this link with any eligible individuals. Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment | Your Say Our Future (

An electronic poster with QR code and paper copies of the survey if needed, are also available from Joan Stevens ( or call 01429 284142) and in Community Hubs across the town

Important note:

Unfortunately, we know there are national shortages of some medicines. We cannot influence this through this PNA report, but do tell us about your experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool. Comments and compliments are also important, so we can help shape this important service in the future.

Complaints about a pharmacy

This survey is not the right place to report a specific complaint you might have about a pharmacy. We will not be able to respond to any specific complaints as the survey is anonymous.

All community pharmacies have a complaints process and you can find out more by contacting them directly or looking on their website. In the first instance, it is usually best to try to find a resolution to your problem directly with the pharmacy by speaking to a member of the team.

Your local Healthwatch also has information about how to make a complaint, including access to free Independent Complaints Advocacy Service via People First. You can find more information about Healthwatch at by clicking HERE(External link) or calling 0800 254 5552

If you require any further information please contact Joan Stevens at

Thank you for your time we really do appreciate it.

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) considers the need for pharmaceutical services in the area, describes current services available in the borough and makes an assessment about current and near future provision.

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is now preparing a new statutory Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which will be published in September 2024.

We are inviting views from within, or on behalf of, organisations, service providers or groups and from those who may represent any community, about the impact of current pharmaceutical services on their work with people, or on the people themselves. We also want views on the potential need for pharmaceutical services in the near future.

Contribute views on behalf of your organisation, service or community

Please click HERE or click on the TAKE SURVEY button below

Survey for individual residents, workers or visitors to the town

If you, or people who work with or for you, also live or work in Hartlepool you can contribute personal views and experiences of community pharmacy services across the town using the link in the box below. We encourage you to share this link with any eligible individuals. Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment | Your Say Our Future (

An electronic poster with QR code and paper copies of the survey if needed, are also available from Joan Stevens ( or call 01429 284142) and in Community Hubs across the town

Important note:

Unfortunately, we know there are national shortages of some medicines. We cannot influence this through this PNA report, but do tell us about your experiences of pharmacies across Hartlepool. Comments and compliments are also important, so we can help shape this important service in the future.

Complaints about a pharmacy

This survey is not the right place to report a specific complaint you might have about a pharmacy. We will not be able to respond to any specific complaints as the survey is anonymous.

All community pharmacies have a complaints process and you can find out more by contacting them directly or looking on their website. In the first instance, it is usually best to try to find a resolution to your problem directly with the pharmacy by speaking to a member of the team.

Your local Healthwatch also has information about how to make a complaint, including access to free Independent Complaints Advocacy Service via People First. You can find more information about Healthwatch at by clicking HERE(External link) or calling 0800 254 5552

If you require any further information please contact Joan Stevens at

Thank you for your time we really do appreciate it.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 13 Jan 2025, 10:43 AM