Update January 2022
Responses to the consultation were received from members of the public who had experienced homelessness, members of the Homelessness Prevention Partnership, social landlords, mental health service providers, police, housing advice agencies, specialist support providers and council staff / departments.
All responses that were received agreed with the key proposed objectives which were to:
- Prevent and relieve homelessness
- End rough sleeping
- Provide temporary accommodation, support people to move on and increase housing options
- Support complex adults
A number of suggestions for additions / actions were proposed by respondents to the consultation including:
- Clearer descriptions of what council services are already in place to alleviate homelessness and rough sleeping
- Explanations of how and when temporary accommodation is used (including Bed and Breakfast)
- Clarification of how homeless young people are supported
- An understanding on licensing and landlord accreditation as a means to tackle homelessness
- Assurances around sufficiency of provision for victims of domestic abuse
- Work with the most complex service users needed further attention by the very nature of their presenting needs (mental and physical ill-health, substance misuse, financial hardship etc)
A report detailing the results of the consultation and the suggested additions was submitted to Finance and Policy Committee on the 15th November 2021. The Committee decided that (subject to the reference to landlord accreditation in the Strategy being amended to reflect that this work was being undertaken by the Audit and Governance Committee) the homelessness reduction and rough sleeping strategy be approved.
Consultation has concluded