Community Hubs

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The Community Hubs provide residents with a safe, welcoming space to access a range of services, skill building opportunities and library provision. To ensure we are able to provide the greatest access to residents we are currently reviewing our opening hours.

We are therefore asking residents to complete a short survey to help us better understand which Hub or branch library you do or would prefer to visit, and which day and time of day you would want to access. Following the consultation we hope to adjust our opening hours to better reflect local preference. We won’t be increasing or decreasing our opening hours, rather redistributing them to more convenient times.

We would also like to know what services you access, what else you would like to see take place in the hubs and branch libraries, and how you hear about what is going on. If you don’t currently access our venues we would still be just as interested in hearing from you - please click here to complete the survey

The opening hours survey has now closed however, please find below any surveys which are currently open and running alongside this project.

The Community Hubs provide residents with a safe, welcoming space to access a range of services, skill building opportunities and library provision. To ensure we are able to provide the greatest access to residents we are currently reviewing our opening hours.

We are therefore asking residents to complete a short survey to help us better understand which Hub or branch library you do or would prefer to visit, and which day and time of day you would want to access. Following the consultation we hope to adjust our opening hours to better reflect local preference. We won’t be increasing or decreasing our opening hours, rather redistributing them to more convenient times.

We would also like to know what services you access, what else you would like to see take place in the hubs and branch libraries, and how you hear about what is going on. If you don’t currently access our venues we would still be just as interested in hearing from you - please click here to complete the survey

The opening hours survey has now closed however, please find below any surveys which are currently open and running alongside this project.

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Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024, 11:32 AM